Doppelgänger Breakout Board

Specifications & Capabilities

The Doppelgänger Breakout Board is intended for use only in longrange range readers. It consists of the following circuitry:

Reader PowerProvided via passthrough power to the readerWhat comes in on VIN, goes out to the reader via VOUT
ESP32 PowerLDO provides stable 5VDC to the ESP32’s VUSB pinEnsure that your ESP32 supports dual VUSB inputs (auto-switching) before powering the device with USB while the breakout board is supplying power
Voltage DividerReduces the 5V DATA0/1 singal to 3V3 for the ESP32’s GPIO pinsNot intended fo card replay, do not set pins to OUTPUT
ESP32This is Feather form factor, which supports a number of boardsRecommended board is SprakFun Thing Plus C

While the Doppelgänger Breakout Board states that the maximium input voltage is 15V, you can supply up to 28VDC ONLY IF YOU USE ACTIVE COOLING on the LDO (chip indicated by the HOT symbol). Additionally, the power input is a passthrough circuit. This means that whatever voltage you supply to the Doppelgänger Breakout Board will be passed through to your reader. Ensure that your reader is rated for the voltage that you intend to supply. Do this at your own risk!

If you need assistance connecting the Doppelgänger Breakout Board to a reader, reference the Wiring-Guide